Janet is an encyclopedia of all things Elvis Aaron Presley. She first laid eyes on the King at the tender young age of five. One warm spring day, her big brother was forced to let her tag along to see the major motion picture “Girl Happy” and the rest is history. Janet holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management and Christianity from Houston Christian University. (Rock and Roll History wasn’t offered as a major) She has worked various accounting jobs over the years but currently spends her time running her own resale business and nannying for an adorable set of twins. Her three loves are her family, Elvis, and writing. *The order can vary depending on the day.

A born and bred Texan, Janet currently resides in Salt Lake City with her husband, Mike, and their own little menagerie made up of three dogs and a cat. Her four children, grown now, live nearby and even though they roll their eyes every time she starts talking about the King, she knows that they love seeing her happy. “I’ve been writing for years, starting with my high school newspaper days and in recent years, numerous blogs and essays for an 90K+ member Elvis Facebook group I co-lead, called “Elvis: A Celebration of the Man and His Music.” In addition to that, I am head writer for TCB Radio Network. Our aim is that anything we release in connection to Elvis, is respectful, truthful and honoring. He deserves nothing less.

“Elvis has been a part of my life since I was a little girl, so he’s an easy subject for me to write about. He’s like family. This is my debut novel, a fun fan fictional tale co-written with author and friend Selwyn Milborrow, as a back and forth email project completed over the course of a couple years. I’ve been fortunate. I had the chance to see Elvis in concert several times and I have visited Graceland fairly regularly over the years. The first time as a young teenager was in 1976, with my father. Graceland was not a tourist attraction at that point. What we did was a little closer to “trespassing,” than “visiting” but I promise we were well behaved! Sadly, the King wasn’t home at the time. That same year I had the wonderful opportunity of a brief interaction with Elvis himself involving a yellow rose, a white scarf, and a dazzling smile. If I hadn’t already been smitten, that would have cinched it. I’ve met so many wonderful friends through the Elvis community. He brings people together. I wrote this piece as a creative endeavor sprinkled with some introspection regarding how devotees can feel a sense of duty to someone they know inside and out but is simultaneously a stranger. I’m hopeful it will provide some insight into the depth of adoration many hold for the King of Rock and Roll, as well as to entertain our readers.”

Selwyn Milborrow’s passion for Elvis Presley and his music ignited on August 16, 1977, the day the world lost the King of Rock and Roll. At just ten years old, Selwyn discovered the genius of Elvis, a moment that would shape his life and career. A native of Gqeberha, Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa, Selwyn has been a devoted Elvis fan ever since, dreaming of attending Elvis Week at Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee.

A prolific writer, Selwyn’s journey began in high school, where his first short story was published shortly after graduation. His Afrikaans poems have graced esteemed anthologies and literary websites. Selwyn’s commitment to fostering literary talent is evident in his poetry and creative writing workshops at schools and within the community.

Since 2003, Selwyn has been a notable participant in the Afrikaans segment of arts festivals. His journalistic prowess was showcased during his tenure at the Afrikaans daily ‘Die Burger.’ In 2007 and 2008, Selwyn published two acclaimed poetry collections prescribed for schools, “Poësiepalet” and “Drieluik,” with Vivlia Publishers. His latest Afrikaans poetry book, “Poësiopië,” continues to captivate readers. Currently, Selwyn lectures creative writing as well as Afrikaans conversational competence to isiXhosa-speaking students at Nelson Mandela University.

His dedication to the literary arts and his enduring love for Elvis Presley culminated in co-authoring “Operation Gratitude” with Janet Bostic Williams. On their website, “presleystories.com,” he and Janet share their love and deep-seated passion for Elvis, inviting readers to explore the life and legacy of the legendary musician through compelling narratives.